Contribute ========== If you have implemented a new tempo estimation approach or created a new reference dataset, please contribute your data. References ---------- If you have created a revised set of annotations for an existing dataset or a completely new dataset, please create corresponding `JAMS `_ and a pull request. Additional annotations for existing datasets should be added to the existing ``.jams`` files. Please make sure to include both the data and the code that adds your data to the jams. Example ~~~~~~~ To add new *reference annotations* to the dataset *ballroom*... 1. Create a new folder under ``annotations/references/ballroom/`` named after the publication that features your new annotations, e.g., ``smith2018``. If your annotations were not released in a scientific publication, come up with some other reasonable name. 2. Place your original annotations (that don't have to be `JAMS `_) into the new folder. 3. Add code to ``tempo_eval/parser/`` that creates ``.jams`` files containing *all* known annotations for the dataset. These ``.jams`` must be placed into the folder ``annotations/references/ballroom/jams/`` Should you want to add a *new* dataset, please follow the recipe above with the exception that you should create a new Python file named ````, which reads your original annotations and creates ``.jams`` files in the appropriate folder. Please read about how to annotate your `JAMS `_ in `Annotation Metadata`_. Estimates --------- An essential characteristic of tempo_eval is that it does not only contain reference datasets, but also estimates. Contributing your estimates allows other researchers to compare to your work without having to re-run all your experiments. At the same time, you can compare your results with a wide variety of existing approaches. Example ~~~~~~~ To add new *estimates* for the dataset *ballroom*... 1. Create a new folder under ``annotations/estimates/ballroom/`` named after the publication that features your new approach, e.g., ``smith2018``. If your estimates were not released in a scientific publication, come up with some other reasonable name that allows others to recognize your system, e.g., a product name. 2. Oftentimes one system can be run with different parameters or one publication features multiple approaches. In your ``smith2018`` folder, create subfolders for each of these approaches or parameter sets. The subfolder's name could simply be a version number ``version_3_2_1`` or just ``default``. It's highly recommended to include information in the JAMS as well. 3. Place your original annotations (that don't have to be `JAMS `_) into the new subfolder. 4. If your annotations aren't yet in the `JAMS `_ format, convert them. tempo_eval provides a script called `convert2jams`_, which makes it easy to convert popular formats like CSV. Before you do this, please read about how to properly annotate your `JAMS `_ in `Annotation Metadata`_. Annotation Metadata ------------------- Please ensure that your `JAMS `_ contain suitable `annotation_metadata `_. The bare minimum for tempo_eval is a ``corpus`` name and a ``version`` that is unique per corpus. The corpus name should match the ``annotations/references/``-folder name, if possible, e.g., ``ballroom``. Because the ``annotator`` object is of type `Sandbox `_, it supports any kind of ``dict``. tempo_eval honors two special keys: ``bibtex`` and ``ref_url``. Both keys aim at giving credit to your work. While ``ref_url`` lets you specify a simple URL to your own website, ``bibtex`` lets you specify a minimal bibtex entry. Should you choose to add such an entry, you might also want to consider adding it to ``tempo_eval/references.bib``. .. code-block:: javascript :linenos: :caption: Example for ``ref_url`` and ``bibtex`` annotator keys. :emphasize-lines: 8,9 [...] "annotation_metadata": { "curator": { "name": "Simon Dixon", "email": "" }, "annotator": { "bibtex": "@article{Gouyon2006,\nAuthor = \"Gouyon, Fabien and Klapuri, Anssi P. and Dixon, Simon and Alonso, Miguel and Tzanetakis, George and Uhle, Christian and Cano, Pedro\",\nJournal = \"IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing\",\nNumber = \"5\",\nPages = \"1832--1844\",\nTitle = \"An experimental comparison of audio tempo induction algorithms\",\nVolume = \"14\",\nYear = \"2006\"\n}\n", "ref_url": "" }, "version": "1.0", "corpus": "ballroom", "annotation_tools": "", "annotation_rules": "", "validation": "", "data_source": ", checked by human" } [...] convert2jams ------------ convert2jams is a simple command line script that converts your CSV, TSV, JSON or plain text tempo annotations into `JAMS `_. For detailed usage information please run: .. code-block:: console $ convert2jams --help Here's an example that turns text files into jams. .. code-block:: console $ convert2jams -d out_dir -i text_file_dir -a audio_file_dir \ -c corpus_name -v annotation_version For this to work, each text file located in ``text_file_dir`` must contain only tempo values for a single audio file. These tempo values can either be single values or a `MIREX-style triplet `_. The text file names must correspond to the audio file names. For example, the annotation for the audio file ``my_track.wav`` should be in a text file called ``my_track.txt``. All audio files should be under ``audio_file_dir``. Note that each jam file should at least be annotated with a corpus name and a version. More parameters, like bibtex, curator, etc. can be easily specified via the command line. Alternatively, if you already have a jam file that contains a suitable `annotation_metadata `_-block, you can use it as template using the ``--template`` parameter: .. code-block:: console $ convert2jams -d out_dir -i text_file_dir -a audio_file_dir \ --template template.jams