Usage ===== After `installation `_ you may call tempo_eval from the command line using the ``tempo_eval`` command. Calling it without arguments will generate a `Markdown `_-formatted evaluation report in the *current* directory *for all* built-in datasets and annotations. .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval Help ---- Most likely that is not what you want. To learn about command line options, you may pass the parameter ``--help``. .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --help Output Directory ---------------- You can change the output directory using the ``--dir`` option: .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --dir MY_OUTPUT_DIR Specify the Corpus ------------------ To specify the datasets for which you want to create evaluation reports, you can pass one or more corpus names using the ``--corpus`` parameter: .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --corpus [CORPUS0 [CORPUS1 [...]]] Possible corpus names are for example ``gtzan`` or ``ballroom`` and correspond to the folder names of the built-in annotations. Output Format ------------- tempo_eval is designed to create Markdown reports which can easily be hosted on `GitHub Pages `_. While Markdown is very readable even without having been rendered, sometimes it is preferable to have an HTML version. This can be generated simply by specifying ``html`` as format: .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --format html Alternatively, Markdown can be viewed in Chrome with the help of an extension (e.g. with `Markdown Preview Plus `_). Report Size ----------- By default, tempo_eval generates a very comprehensive report. Not all report elements are always needed (or wanted). To create shorter versions, pass the ``--size`` parameter: .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --size S Valid values are ``S``, ``M``, and ``L`` (the default). ``XL`` is reserved for experimental use. Custom Datasets --------------- In order to generate reports for your custom annotations and estimates you may specify either one on the command line using the ``--estimates`` and ``--references`` parameters: .. code-block:: console $ tempo_eval --references FOLDER_WITH_REFERENCE_JAMS \ --estimates FOLDER_WITH_ESTIMATE_JAMS Both the given reference and estimates folders are walked recursively and any found JAMS are read. To make comparison with built-in reference annotations easy, make sure to always specify an ``annotation_metadata.version`` and ``corpus`` (see also `here `_). In essence, you want to match the used corpus names of the built-in reference annotations, which are lowercase and contain underscores ``_`` instead of spaces.