
tempo_eval.print_corpus_report(corpus_name, output_dir='./', validate=True, additional_estimates=None, additional_references=None, format='kramdown', size=Size.L)[source]

Print report for the given named corpus.

  • size (Size) – Size of evaluation report. Choose “L” for the most comprehensive version, choose “S” for a shorter version with just the essentials.

  • format (str) – kramdown, markdown or html

  • corpus_name (str) – corpus name. See list_reference_corpus_names to get a list of valid names.

  • output_dir (str) – output directory

  • validate (bool) – validate jam while reading (has major performance impact)

  • additional_references (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Annotation]]]]) – additional, user-provided reference annotations

  • additional_estimates (Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Annotation]]]]) – additional, user-provided estimate annotations

Return type



output file name


ValueError – if the given format is not supported


By default, validate is True in order to stay safe. But since it affects performance quite a bit, you might want to turn validation off when using this function to keep your sanity.